Ontex, a leading international personal hygiene group, has been innovating for more than 40 years in high-quality products for Baby Care, Feminine Care and Adult Care, a partner of choice for consumers, retailers, institutional and private healthcare providers around the world. Ontex products are available in more than 110 countries. In their vision of making a positive impact on their communities, they looked to their existing business processes and tools for ways and means to dramatically improve productivity and collaboration. The question, however, was how they were going to achieve this while firmly supporting the “new way of working” as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that impacted people and businesses in extraordinary ways.
Ontex had recently migrated to Microsoft 365, an integrated cloud platform that delivers industry-leading productivity apps like Microsoft Teams, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, along with intelligent cloud services and world-class security. After a very successful and seamless migration, Ontex was faced with another challenge, to effectively train and onboard their employees during a pandemic, with employees remote working in over 15 different countries.
It was during July, amidst the peaking COVID-19 pandemic that Ontex reached out to Inetum-Realdolmen a Microsoft Learning Partner and proud member of the LLPA in Belgium, to provide Office 365 Discovery Sessions. Inetum-Realdolmen has been an established player in the IT training market since 1982, offering high-quality IT training for end-users, IT professionals and developers. Inetum-Realdolmen and LLPA members in Germany, Italy, Turkey, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic and Spain delivered a tailored training solution that would see Ontex workforce quickly adopting the new productivity tools.
“I was introduced to all the new features of the new system along with some features I was not familiar with. The session clarified most of the questions that I had. It was useful. I want to make sure my entire team has taken this training as it will help make the work environment more efficient.”
Together, Inetum-Realdolmen, TÜV Rheinland Akademie GmbH, Pipeline, BilgeAdam IT Services, CloudTeam, Specialist.ru Training Center, Gopas and Netmind cooperating closely with the Ontex IT managers of each country, hosted over 78 2-hour sessions three times per day in 11 languages across 15 countries within two months. These Office 365 Discovery sessions were completely tailored for Ontex and, the content also translated to support the local languages of the workforce. By the end of November 2020, all users were skilled up and onboarded ready to harness the power of their new applications and tools.
“The sessions are very much appreciated so much so that after every event, we receive more enrollments for the next sessions.”
“Real positive NEW capabilities within Microsoft 365, which would have taken time to establish without this learning experience.”
Contextual training is key to mastering new technologies, especially when performing migration or proceeding with digital transformation across business lines. Having the ability to work with a single point of contact from a global association so well connected across 55+ countries is the most efficient way for businesses to scale and solve employee training gaps in the shortest time possible.

About Inetum-Realdolmen
The Education division of Realdolmen has been one of the most important players on the Belgian ICT training market since 1982. Initially, set up to fulfil the training needs of our own IT professionals, we made it right from the beginning our goal to share the knowledge and experience that we gained with our customers.