
Pipeline was born in 1991 to supply professional services, joining together pluriannual experiences of experts in the IT field. The variety of products and services offered by Pipeline is due to a long experience in supplying customized solutions to each Customer in a partnership vision. Through continuous search, development and practical application, all the Pipeline staff is able to give concreteness and quality to every proposed solution.

Training and Consulting are one of the core services offered by Pipeline. The Training & Consulting Department staff is composed of consultants, developers and trainers who are Microsoft Certified with “real-world” experience in continuous evolution and that allow Pipeline to offer the best quality and a large range of services to its Customer.

Pipeline avails itself of technological partnership with market leaders in order to stay up to date, and ready to tackle changes and, above all, to give to its own Customer the guarantee of continuity and high-quality technical support. Pipeline was the first Microsoft Gold Partner Learning Solutions in Italy and offers scheduled Microsoft Official Curriculum courses and exams in Milan, Bologna and Padova and customized courses all over Italy.

Pipeline boasts of experience in the field of IT training and references that attest its capacity to offer advanced and custom training solutions to its own Customers. Approaching Customers Pipeline utilizes a flexible and personal method. In fact Pipeline’s main service is personal analysis of problems and training requirements: because each Customer has its own story, its own everyday life, its own need.


Via Belinzaghi 15
20159 Milano, Italy

Alberto Chiarini
+39 02 6074791