Trainocate, a member of the LLPA, recognized as the winner of Learning 2021 Microsoft Partner of the Year

Amsterdam, the Netherlands — July 13, 2021 — Microsoft has officially recognized and awarded Trainocate as the Learning 2021 Microsoft Partner of the Year. Trainocate was honoured among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.

In the past ten years, seven Members of the LLPA including DDLS, Algebra, QA and Digicomp received this same award and recognition. The LLPA and its members drive technology skills enablement with unique and consistent learning solutions to retail, fintech, manufacturing, education, health, telemedicine, and other customers across the globe. Our centralized global approach allows customers to achieve learning and digital transformation at scale. In the past year, the LLPA was able to service over 600 organizations headquartered in more than 40 countries.

The Microsoft Learning Partner of the Year Award recognizes a partner who has excelled beyond their peers in the delivery of high-impact Microsoft training solutions. Trainocate has demonstrated creativity, transformation, innovation in overcoming adversity and have successfully accelerated training and adoption of Microsoft Cloud technology.

“As a former Microsoft Learning Partner of the Year winner, we are extremely proud that our member, Trainocate has received this recognition. What an outstanding achievement. They have played a pivotal role in delivering high impact solutions that contribute to the big plans to overcome the technical skills gaps we face today with the highest quality customer experience. We, together with Trainocate and all the LLPA members will continue to serve every customer in every corner of the world to empower themselves to achieve more.” Patrick Kersten, Chairman of the Board, The LLPA.