The journey of becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer

We have reached out to people who have decided to boost their professional careers and achieved something remarkable – became a Microsoft Certified Trainer through the LLPA Instructional Skills Certification Course. Their journey, insights, and experiences are valuable to the entire community of aspiring trainers. Their stories serve as a beacon of inspiration and guidance for those embarking on a similar path.

Here is their story.

"Achieving my MCT status has improved my professional life by opening up new opportunities."

by Ihab Khiri, MCT, Netherlands

Journey to Certification: “Can you share your journey towards becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer? What motivated you to pursue the LLPA Instructional Skills Certification Course?”
My passion for lifelong learning drove my journey towards becoming an MCT. I started working as a technology consultant around ten years ago, and using software and tools were part of my job. As I started specializing in Microsoft technologies, I started passing Microsoft certificates.

Part of my was teaching others how to use technology. This was mainly a part of IT projects.
For me, the reason to gain the TAP qualification:
– Formalize training skills with TAP qualification.
– Receive feedback on session planning and delivery from experienced trainers.
– Develop skills for engaging and interactive training, both face-to-face and virtual.
– Learn to adapt training to diverse learning styles and enhance virtual engagement.

Learning Experience: “What were the most valuable skills you gained from the LLPA Instructional Skills Certification Course? How did the course structure and content contribute to your learning experience?”
The most valuable skills I gained from the LLPA Instructional Skills Certification course are action planning and the theory behind the AGES MODEL. The AGES model aims to tailor course material to different learning styles. During the course, there was ample time to practice structured feedback, and post-course reflection improved delivery techniques.

I chose the TAP course provided by the LLPA course as it provided a balanced set of skills for training delivery. The course had a practical part, which taught me to integrate diverse skills for impactful learning.

Impact on Career: “How has achieving or renewing your MCT status impacted your professional life? What opportunities have opened up for you since completing the certification?”
Achieving my MCT status has improved my professional life by opening up new opportunities for teaching and collaborating with other teachers, expanding my network, and providing professional development opportunities. The badge I received stands for professional credibility and the ability to contribute to others’ learning.

Advice to Aspiring MCTs: “What advice would you give to others who are considering becoming an MCT? Is there anything you wish you knew before you started?”
– My advice to others who are considering becoming an MCT is to integrate learning into daily life.
– Focus on the courses you like the most, because those will be most likely engaging.
– Don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of topics and materials. The course is structured to facilitate a gradual and practical understanding of the concepts. This is done through participation in online sessions and active involvement in assignments. You will have effectively reviewed and incorporated all the material by the end.

"If you want to learn a lot and transfer that knowledge to others, just go for it!"

by Dušan Svetozarević, Senior Cybersecurity Engineer, Serbia

Journey to Certification: “Can you share your journey towards becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer? What motivated you to pursue the LLPA Instructional Skills Certification Course?”
The motivation came from the need for learning materials and labs where I could use the things I learned in theory. Also, it will be a great experience to transfer what I learned to other people.

Learning Experience: “What were the most valuable skills you gained from the LLPA Instructional Skills Certification Course? How did the course structure and content contribute to your learning experience?”
Since I had no experience in training, the whole course was valuable for me. I was surprised how many little things there are that you must pay attention to from introductions to methods for asking questions and finally giving a good training in whole.

Impact on Career: “How has achieving or renewing your MCT status impacted your professional life? What opportunities have opened up for you since completing the certification?”
The impact on my professional life is great because I have a chance to learn a lot and to be recognized as a professional.

Advice to Aspiring MCTs: “What advice would you give to others who are considering becoming an MCT? Is there anything you wish you knew before you started?”
If you want to learn a lot and transfer that knowledge to others just go for it. This training will also help you to get used to speaking publicly and to do it well.

"It gave me more confidence to do the teaching I do, both job wise but also in my spare time."

by Søren Reinke, MCT, Denmark

Journey to Certification: “Can you share your journey towards becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer? What motivated you to pursue the LLPA Instructional Skills Certification Course?”
In order to fullfill my job as an Instructor for Microsoft Azure courses, I had to be a Microsoft Certified Instructor, and in order to become that, I needed to prove my Skills as an instructor. Thats why I selected this course with LLPA.

Learning Experience: “What were the most valuable skills you gained from the LLPA Instructional Skills Certification Course? How did the course structure and content contribute to your learning experience?”
The most important skill I learned, was the importance of starting a module with a brief overview of the point in the module, and also ending it with repeating what we have done. In the beginning I did found it a bit repetative, but feedback from the students afterwards, have proven to me how important it actually is, and they dont find it repetative.

Impact on Career: “How has achieving or renewing your MCT status impacted your professional life? What opportunities have opened up for you since completing the certification?”
First of all it made it possible for me to keep my job 🙂 But it also gave me more confidence to do the teaching I do, both job wise but also in my spare time, where I am on a 2 year journey to become a Karate Instructor.

Advice to Aspiring MCTs: “What advice would you give to others who are considering becoming an MCT? Is there anything you wish you knew before you started?”
Practice, Practice and more Practice. Go through the Microsoft Powerpoints again and again, and try to guess what questions the student come up with and find the answers.