Game rules for the Digital Skills Cup

  1. Objective

The LLPA Digital Skills Cup (DSC) is an online competition designed to test participants’ skills in various IT domains, including Artificial Intelligence, Development, and Security. The goal of the competition is to promote digital skills development through an engaging, knowledge-driven experience.

  1. Organizer and Promoter
    • The competition is organized by the Leading Learning Partners Association (LLPA), referred to as the Organizer.
    • LLPA members in participating countries, referred to as Promoters, are responsible for promoting the competition at the national level.
  1. Eligibility

The competition is open to individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • Must be at least 18 years old at the time of registration.
  • Must be a resident of a participating country where LLPA members are organizing the contest – a winner must present an identity proof upon request from the organizer in order to verify eligibility to participate in the contest
  • Must have a valid passport if selected as the winner of the first prize (for international travel).
  1. Phases of the Competition
  • National Rounds

Participants will compete in national-level contests organized by LLPA members using the official online quiz platform.

The top participant from each category in each country will qualify for the World Finals.

Quiz Format:

  • Duration: 5 minutes
  • Questions: 20
  • Categories: AI User, AI Pro, Developer Pro, Security Pro
  • Winner Selection: The winner in each category is determined based on the highest number of correct answers in the shortest time.
  • Tiebreaker: In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by the earliest registration date and time.
  • World Finals

National round winners will compete in a global event organized by LLPA, conducted online on a specified date and time.

Quiz Format:

  • Duration: 10 minutes
  • Questions: 40
  • Categories: AI User, AI Pro, Developer Pro, Security Pro
  • Winner Selection: The winner in each category is determined based on the highest number of correct answers in the shortest time.
  • Tiebreaker: A tiebreaker question will be used in case of a tie.
  1. Participation Requirements

Participants must:

  • Ensure a stable internet connection during online competitions.
  • Be present live on camera during the World Finals (mandatory for eligibility).
  • Comply with all technical requirements provided by LLPA
  • Engage in respectful conduct during all competition phases.
  • Disruptive behavior may result in disqualification.
  1. Prizes
    • World Finals Prizes:
    • 1st Prize: A trip anywhere in the world with LLPA, up to $3,000.
    • 2nd Prize: Microsoft Store Voucher worth $400.
    • 3rd Prize: Microsoft Store Voucher worth $100.
  • Prize Conditions:

All prizes are non-transferable, non-exchangeable, and cannot be redeemed for cash, except where required by law.

  • First Prize Processing & Delivery

Prize Claim Process:

  • The winner will receive an official email from the organizer or promoter within 7 days of the World Finals.
  • The winner must submit their preferred destination, travel dates, and trip details within 14 days after being contacted by the organizer after the World Finals.
  • LLPA will review and approve the request within 30 days, ensuring it complies with the $3,000 budget and competition guidelines.
  • LLPA books the trip through a travel provider selected and appointed by LLPA.
  • Important Notes:
    • The trip must be booked and consumed within 5 months of the winner’s announcement.
    • The winner must provide by email to the organizer at least 5 digital photos documenting the trip in the best manner within 7 days after the last day of the trip. The photos will be used for promotional purposes of DSC, the organizer and the promoter.
    • Any expenses exceeding $3,000 must be covered by the winner.
    • The trip is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
  1. Disqualification Rules

Participants may be disqualified for:

  • Providing false registration information.
  • Engaging in cheating, unfair practices, or system manipulation (e.g., creating multiple accounts).
  • Failing to comply with competition rules or exhibiting disruptive behavior.
  1. Liability Disclaimer

LLPA is not responsible for any injuries, losses, or damages resulting from participation in the competition or acceptance of any prize.

  1. Tax Responsibility

Winners are responsible for any applicable taxes related to the receipt of prizes, in accordance with their country’s tax laws.

  1. Data Privacy
    • In order to participate in the competition, participants shall share their name and email address with LLPA and its local member for the purpose of organizing the competition and awarding prizes.
    • All World Finals participants shall share their video stream – shall be present live on camera during the World Finals
    • World Finals Winners shall share with LLPA all information necessary for LLPA to book the trip .
    • Personal data will be handled in compliance with applicable data protection laws.
    • Data shall be shared with LLPA members in the participant’s country for post-competition follow-up.
  2. Dispute Resolution

In case of a tie (the same number of correct answers, the same completion time), the following criteria will be applied in order:

  • Earliest registration date and time for National rounds
  • A tiebreaker question for World Finals.
  1. Legal Authority
    • LLPA reserves the right to cancel or modify the competition at any time without prior notice due to unforeseen circumstances.
    • All disputes shall be resolved under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  2. Contact Information

For any questions or clarifications regarding the competition, participants may contact LLPA or local member organizing the national contest with contact details displayed at