Leading Learning Partners Association (LLPA) Announces Strategic Partnership with Mile2 to Offer Advanced Cybersecurity Training and Certification Programs

Leading Learning Partners Association (LLPA), a renowned global provider of IT training and certification solutions, is excited to announce its new strategic partnership with Mile2, a highly respected cybersecurity training and certification organization. This collaboration aims to deliver state-of-the-art Mile2 cybersecurity courses to IT professionals and organizations across the globe, enhancing their abilities to combat emerging cyber threats. “I am thrilled to announce our global partnership with Mile2, which will empower IT professionals worldwide with cutting-edge cybersecurity training and certifications, strengthening our commitment to developing a secure digital landscape for all,” Patrick Kersten, Chairman of LLPA said.

As cyberattacks become increasingly sophisticated, there is a growing need for skilled cybersecurity professionals who can effectively safeguard critical systems and data. Recognizing this demand, LLPA has joined forces with Mile2 to provide advanced cybersecurity training and certification programs that encompass a wide range of topics, including ethical hacking, penetration testing, incident handling, network defense, and secure coding. “We at Mile2 Europe are excited to join forces with LLPA, expanding our reach and empowering more IT professionals worldwide with our industry-leading cybersecurity courses and certifications to strengthen their skills and help secure the digital frontier,” Marco Wagenveld, Director of Mile2 Europe said.

Through this partnership, LLPA will leverage its extensive network of training centers and experienced instructors to offer Mile2’s acclaimed certifications, such as the Certified Penetration Testing Engineer (CPTE), Certified Information Systems Security Officer (CISSO), and Certified Incident Handling Engineer (CIHE).

Key benefits of this collaboration include:

  • Access to world-class cybersecurity training: IT professionals and organizations can now access Mile2’s cutting-edge cybersecurity courses and certifications through LLPA’s global network of training centers.
  • Enhanced skill development: Participants will gain valuable knowledge and practical skills needed to address modern cybersecurity challenges, resulting in a more secure digital landscape.
  • Boosted employability: The combination of LLPA’s comprehensive training approach and Mile2’s industry-recognized certifications will equip IT professionals with the expertise required.