LLPA - An Exclusive Knowledge Pillars Exam Distributor

The LLPA and its members have been appointed as exclusive distributors for Knowledge Pillars certification exams in 36+ countries.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, — December 15, 2021 — Knowledge Pillars announced that the Leading Learning Partners Association has been appointed as an exclusive distributor for the Knowledge Pillars portfolio of vendor-neutral certification exams in more than 36 countries. Some of these 100% web-based, Live-in-the-App certification exams include the PCS Python Coding Specialist, WCE WordPress Certified Editor, CSC C# Coding Specialist, TSCS T-SQL Coding Specialist and DCS .Net Coding Specialist to name a few.

Knowledge Pillars develops accredited industry-relevant certification stacks that make CVs more attractive to employers. Its’ certifications help identify qualified professionals, ensure recognition of expertise, enhance credibility and help aspiring and experienced professionals to stay current.

“We are very happy and pleased to be appointed as an Exclusive Distributor of Knowledge Pillars exams and practice tests. This is an exciting opportunity for us and our leading LLPA members. This helps us in adding extra value and credibility to our coding training programs in the corporate training markets.” Patrick Kersten, Chairman of the Board at LLPA.

The appointment of The LLPA comes in response to the growing interest in web-editing and development certifications in the region and the need to validate skills, separating those candidates that ‘know’ from those who can ‘do’.

According to the European Commission, we experienced up to 825,000 ICT job vacancies in 2020, with more than 90% of professional occupations requiring digital competences, including programming. “Programming is everywhere and fundamental to the understanding of a hyper-connected world. Coding is the literacy of today and it helps practice 21st century skills such problem solving, teamwork and analytical thinking.” – Shaping Europe’s digital future, Coding – the 21st century skill.

“We are delighted to have The LLPA as our newest certification exam distributor. We are committed to offering aspiring web-editing and developer professionals an opportunity to validate specific skill-sets, and key to that vision is building a strong ecosystem of distributors that can enable these professionals to stand out in the skills market.” – Alessandro Macri’, CEO Knowledge Pillars.