Digital transformation skills for business leaders!

A six-part series of innovative virtual sessions, providing business leaders with critical cloud and digital transformation insights and skills tactics.

Today, business leaders are spoilt for choice when it comes to the myriad of applications, software, and cloud-technologies available.

While this choice is an excellent indicator of the digital transformation evolution, innovative technology requires updated skilling, training, and certification.

Here, at LLPA, we recognise the importance of adaptation and agility as business leaders harness the power of the cloud.

As technology evolves, so should the skillsets of your leadership, IT and management teams.

C3 Global Cloud Skills Tour

In 2020, We successfully launched the C3 Global Cloud Skills Tour.

The purpose of this series of events was to connect business leaders and digital transformation experts, providing insightful seminars and workshops covering the world of digital transformation.

So far, these events have been proudly hosted by our members Sovelto, Semos Education, Pipeline, and CTU Training Solutions in Helsinki, Belgrade, Milan, and South Africa. 

The previous events were well received by hundreds of attendees, as we curated workshops and seminars providing expert insights on cloud technologies and digital transformation.

However, in response to the COVID-19 situation, we have decided to cancel the physical C3 events that were set to take place in five other countries.

Instead, we are happy to invite you to an exclusive virtual event series running from 26th May to 30th June 2020 and presented LIVE from the Microsoft Studios in Amsterdam

Digital Transformation, Cloud-Technologies, and Adapting to the ‘New Normal’

This exclusive series of events will feature interactive 60-minute sessions with international thought leaders, partners, and executives each week for six weeks.

As we bring these experts together, they’ll tackle key skilling challenges regarding training and certification, cloud-collaboration, and role-based skill acceleration.

The current global pandemic has reinforced the need for world-class training around digital-transformation and cloud technologies. With thousands of companies adapting to the ‘new normal’, remote working has changed from a ‘choice’ to a ‘necessity’ for thousands of businesses and their teams.

With many offices ‘going remote’, our reliance on cloud technology has increased, calling for a better understanding of how to utilise applications such as Microsoft Azure for business development and communication.

Address Critical Role-Based Skills and Become ‘Future-Ready’

The C3 Global Cloud Skills tour offers an excellent opportunity for you to gain valuable insights about cloud computing and learn from leading international industry experts how you as a business leader can address your critical role-based skills gaps, kick-start your organisation’s journey to becoming future-ready while developing security from the ground up.

“During the COVID-19 crisis, we can invest our energy into #comingbackstronger by developing new skills, re-assessing our strategic skilling plans, and increasing our motivation. The C3 Cloud Skills Tour provides the perfect platform for inspiration and top-level training. Delegates will discover insights on how to improve their IT infrastructure while increasing the value of their cloud-based solutions for the future!” 

Michael Swoboda, CEO and Marketing & Sales Lead at ETC in Vienna.

Unlock Your Cloud Potential

Cloud technology, such as Microsoft Azure, provides key benefits for businesses that harness the potential of this cutting-edge technology.

This includes:

  • Instant global presence – with infrastructure reaching 140 countries across 54 global regions.
  • Availability – with instant access to redundant data-centres, power, and links.
  • Scalability – without costly hardware and network connections.
  • Disaster Recovery and Backup – Keeping all of your data and digital assets safe and secure.
  • Security – Bespoke encryption and DDoS protection, and more…

Throughout our 6-part series of virtual sessions this summer, the LLPA will work in synergy with Microsoft and other authoritative partners, leaders and executives.

Our collaborative approach will provide solutions to critical skilling challenges faced by business leaders, CTO’s and CIO’s like yourself. After outlining the challenges that leaders face surrounding digital transformation strategies, our expert leaders will provide practical advice on how to use converging technologies and role-based skills to unlock your cloud potential.

“The COVID-19 virus has radically changed our way of living and working; many of these ‘new ways’ will continue for some time, or even remain indefinitely after this exceptional crisis is over. 

Something that will not change or will be more important than before: the need to possess the right IT skills and knowledge to be successful and value-driven in modern society. 

The C3 Tour teaches how you can improve those critical skills ensuring you secure your leading position in the competitive world of cloud-based technology.”

Alessandro Macri’, Global Sales and Business Development Director at Leading Learning Partners Association in Switzerland.

Learn, Unlearn, Relearn

Businesses must adapt in line with technology that streamlines or complements their services. Reluctance to change is a sure-fire strategy to lose a competitive advantage in a fast-evolving world.

Organisations need leaders that possess the desire and ability to learn, unlearn; and relearn.

During this 6-part virtual series, we will cover the following topics aligned to the skills required by today’s leaders.

Part 1: The Cloud and Skilling Understanding: led by Jeffrey Vermeulen – Business Group Lead Cloud & Enterprise – Microsoft Netherlands.

Part 2: Cloud Agility: led by Jussi Roine, Azure Developer Audience Lead at Microsoft Finland

Part 3: Balance Between Tech and Skills: led by Lurlene Duggan, Chief Learning Officers for Microsoft WE and Microsoft CEE and Wilfried Paroubek – Global Partner Sales Executive – Microsoft Learning

Part 4: The Growth Mindset: led by Stéphanie Straub, Training Program Manager in the Netherlands and Michael Swoboda – LLPA Board Director Austria

Part 5: The Foundations for Successful Cloud Adoption: led by Jan Depping, Partner Technology Specialist, and Herman Keijzer, Partner Development Manager at Microsoft in the Netherlands

Part 6: Customers Achieving their Desired Outcomes led by Ron Augustus, Director of the Customer Success Unit at Microsoft in the Netherlands (joined by three key customers who will share their skilling success story.)

“We are proud to present you with a great line-up of speakers. All of these experts are very knowledgeable and delighted to present their experience to you. As most of them are Microsoft speakers, cloud skilling is their everyday practice. It is a great honour to have them leading this series as they help you and your organisation take the next step in your cloud skilling journey.” 

Patrick Kersten, Chairman of the Board at Leading Learning Partners Association in the Netherlands.

Life-Long Learning: Embracing Adaptability

Enhance your skill pillars by fostering life-long learning in your organisation. 

Gather your executive teams and chief learning officers and join us online this week.

The C3 Global Cloud Skills Tour aims to address the Azure cloud skills gaps by ensuring all existing and future cloud customers have the technical skills needed to be successful. 

The LLPA and our 33 members recognise that transformation to cloud technologies requires skills transformation. Over 90% of organisations have reported a lack of skills in multiple cloud disciplines. 

To address this critical skills gap, the LLPA is inviting business leaders, IT, and learning department heads of organisations across every industry to attend the C3 Global Cloud Skills Tour virtually. 


Part 1: The Cloud and Skilling Understanding led by Michel N’Guettia, Director of Marketing & Operations at Microsoft Netherlands.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020


Cloud Agility

Part 2: Cloud Agility led by Jussi Roine, Azure Developer Audience Lead at Microsoft Finland

Tuesday, 2 June 2020


Balance Between Tech and Skills

Part 3: Balance Between Tech and Skills led by Lurlene Duggan, Chief Learning Officers for Microsoft WE & CEE

Tuesday, 9 June 2020


The Growth Mindset

Part 4: The Growth Mindset led by Stéphanie Straub, Training Program Manager in the Netherlands

Tuesday, 16 June 2020


The Foundations for Successful Cloud Adoption

Part 5: The Foundations for Successful Cloud Adoption led by Jan Depping, Partner Technology Specialist and Herman Keijzer, Partner Development Manager at Microsoft in the Netherlands

Tuesday, 23 June 2020


Customers Achieving their Desired Outcomes

Part 6: Customers Achieving their Desired Outcomes led by Ron Augustus, Director of the Customer Success Unit at Microsoft in the Netherlands who will be joined by three key customers who will share their skilling success story.

Tuesday, 30 June 2020
