Digital Transformation is About People!

Cloud adoption is imperative for all organizations, but few are having success with it. The reality is that digital transformation is not easy and it involves more than obtaining the latest technology.

People are what makes digital transformation succeed. What kind of people? People committed to lifelong learning are supported by their workplaces to leverage digital thinking, technology, and processes to bring about digital transformation.

Companies that equip their workforce with the necessary knowledge, training, and executive support lay the groundwork for successful cloud adoption.

The Global Cloud Skills v-Tour, presented by the Leading Learning Partners Association (The LLPA), is the perfect catalyst to make cloud adoption less of a mystery and more of a reality for more companies across regions and industries. At this event, company leaders can learn from keynote speakers what the future of learning looks like in organizations and how they can harness learning and technology to be future-ready.

The Global Cloud Skills v-Tour is a part of an exclusive C3 event series. C3 stands for “C to the power of 3” representing a cloud certification circle model that comprises training, certification, reporting, and support services. It was introduced by the LLPA in 2019 and aims to accelerate cloud computing knowledge worldwide. The international edition of the C3 event takes place online on 9 and 10 June.

Why company leaders, universities, CTOs, IT, cloud, data & AI, and developer professionals are attending

It’s a fact that the pandemic has accelerated cloud adoption, but it’s also a fact that, for many enterprises, cloud adoption has not gone smoothly. An event like the C3 Cloud Skills v-Tour, with all the information it offers through cloud experts and learning professionals, is coming at just the right time to restore faith in cloud adoption.

More than 2,000 training professionals, business decision-makers, HR professionals, and Azure experts from all over the world will share their knowledge and expertise about the latest role-based training and certifications, skilling initiatives, skills plans’ and learning pathways. The aim is to show how to unlock cloud solutions through Azure and what training and skills it will require of workers.

In particular, cloud computing and Azure enable enterprises to build their own targeted applications at a pace that meets consumer expectations. Again, the tech alone won’t accomplish this – what’s needed is teams of qualified and certified professionals. At this event, attendees will learn how to build the right teams through training and certifications so that they can make the best of Azure.


Our Partners

Benefits of Attending the C3 Global Cloud Skills v-Tour

Learn about the latest role-based training and certifications, skilling initiatives, skills plans and learning pathways. Find out what’s next and how we can help you develop high-performance teams.

Connect with our partners, customers and like-minded business professionals, gain insights and best practice solutions for unlocking your cloud potential and how you can trigger or accelerate learning and training opportunities for workers of all stages of their careers.

Engage with cloud customers, partners and learning experts in 1:1 conversations about how to address skills and people gaps to secure uninterrupted growth for your businesses locally or globally.

Agenda – June 9

The keynote – The Future of Learning in Organizations – will be delivered by Alexander Stüger, General Manager at Microsoft Switzerland.

That will be followed by Edip Saliba, Enterprise Skilling and Training Lead at Microsoft Germany, who will explain why lifelong learning is not optional and how to think differently about your business transformation approach.

Kåre Nygård, Head of Digital Consulting TietoEVRY, will be next, explaining how to build a learning culture to accelerate future-ready innovation.

The highlight will be the LLPA Panel, led by Patrick Kersten, Marika Kotola, Cristina Ratiu, Jan Dvorák, Zafarullah Hashim and Jorge Lopes -all of them representatives of leading learning providers from across Europe and APAC -who will go through the Cloud Certification Circle model developed by the LLPA and present how international organizations can gain better training project insights in terms of train-to-certification ratio, which in turn, results in improved justification of investments and less time spent on redundant administrative tasks.

During the coffee break, attendees can join chatrooms and booths to mingle with experts and like-minded professionals.

In the session after the coffee break, cloud architect, author, and international speaker Tiago Costa will illustrate how, with the help of Azure and the right teams, companies can build their own solutions.

After this session, it will be time to learn about a customer success story, shared by Svetoslav Spasov, Managing Director, KPMG IT Service OOD.

Agenda – June 10

The keynote, led by Microsoft Training Program Manager Jane Pitt, Resonate partner, Vlatka Šipoš, and Julia Katovsky from the Enterprise Training Center, will address the importance of gender diversity in technical teams.

A technical session on Azure will follow the coffee break after that. During this session, Infobip will share how their Azure cloud solutions have transformed organizations across the globe.

After the Azure session, Michael Jackson will once again share his thoughts on how people, not technology alone, will bring about digital transformation. The theme will continue in the next session led by Training Industry, Inc. President Ken Taylor. Training Industry, Inc.

Johan Skoglöf, Business Transformation Consultant at Future Learning Organisation, will discuss how to build an agile learning organization in the next session, which will be followed by another technical session on Azure.

The day’s sessions will conclude with the DevOps for Humans where DevOps Institute CEO Jayne Groll will share insights on DevOps and digital transformation from a human perspective including data on upskilling, workforce transformation, remote work and the characteristics of the hybrid DevOps Human.

Don’t just listen; participate!

Throughout the virtual event, there will be live segments and Q&A. All those attending can connect with each other through the lobby area, which takes them to the chatroom where they can communicate via chat, video, and audio call. Or you can chat with the exhibitors by going to the booths and clicking the chat button.

What happens at 3 pm CET on June 9?

At this time, a global challenge to find the best all-round cloud, data & AI, and developer professionals will kick off. The C3 Cloud Skills Cup World Championships will challenge local country Cloud Skills Cup winners to answer 40 multiple choice questions in the quickest time. The final will result in top rankings for Cloud, Data & AI, and Developer Pros to be announced during the opening of the C3 event on the 10th of June.

Find opportunities in the cloud, foster life-long learning, gain technical skills for your business and unlock your cloud potential by accelerating your inner Azure. The Global Cloud Skills Virtual Tour | International Edition – join the journey today!