Get ready for the future of work -
attend the 3rd Annual C3 Global Cloud Skills Tour

The 3rd Annual C3 Global Cloud Skills Tour presented by the Leading Learning Partners Association is aimed at providing company executives worldwide with strategic cloud, security and skilling information they need to prepare their enterprises for the future of work. The C3 event brings thought leaders together to help organizations survive and strive in what Peter Hinssen calls the Never Normal.

Over 1 million refugees have been forced to flee Ukraine. In solidarity, we want to invite all leaders across EMEA and APAC to purchase a C3 Global Cloud Skills v-Tour ticket and a copy of The Phoenix and the Unicorn. In our efforts to face an uncertain future with courage and mutual support, all proceeds from these ticket sales will be given to local Romanian NGO to buy supplies (masks, food, mattresses, pillows, blankets, heating systems, clothes, infant products like diapers etc.).

Corporate learning is not an option; it’s imperative. Between rapid technological advancements, intense security breaches and the pandemic that changed working conditions overnight, no corporation can continue as before.

Organizations need individuals with advanced digital skills to help transform their business, making retraining and upskilling employees an urgent business priority.

According to a recent McKinsey Global Institute report, digitization, automation, and advances in artificial intelligence will cause at least 375 million workers—or roughly 14 percent of the global workforce to change their jobs by 2030 in order to stay employed and relevant.

Sixty-two percent of executives believe they will need to retrain or replace more than a quarter of their workforce between now and 2023 due to advancing automation and digitization. The surveyed executives see it as the responsibility of corporations to close the impending skills gap. Fortunately, the workforce is on-board with these developments – 74% of employees are ready to retrain to remain employable.

In the corporate setup, that means Chief Learning Officers (CLOs) and Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are the key people to bring about corporate transformation.

On the one hand, there are an overwhelming number of new digital products which constantly change.  It’s understandable that some CLOs may become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of products available, never committing to any solution. Others, who are tech junkies, want to try out every new toy on the market, saddling the business with different technologies that don’t align properly. The CLO of today needs an equal understanding of the company’s learning and development needs and the leading-edge technology that can enable transformation.

More than ever before, CLOs are responsible for creating a corporate learning culture. This will empower employees to forge new careers while providing organizations with a competitive advantage.

The need for cloud and security skills

Today’s companies need employees with experience and knowledge in advanced skills, such as cloud computing, data analytics, cybersecurity, and AI, to function and thrive.

Companies can create high-value solutions for customers that incorporate AI, but first, the team needs to master cloud skills to make that a reality. Cloud skills, such as Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as Code, are necessary to enable a scalable and secure infrastructure.

Cloud skills enable innovation at speed and support automation. Cloud skills can also enable low code and no code applications, enabling non-tech employees to develop new solutions.

Companies are struggling to find people with the right cloud and security skills to facilitate digital transformation, and they are struggling to skill up their teams to become cloud experts. They know that if they don’t succeed, the business will become obsolete in the next couple of years. HR professionals and Learning and Development leaders are overwhelmed by the training, certification, tools, technologies, platforms, and learning options available turning to trial and error methods before finding the secret sauce to helping their organization achieve digital transformation.

It’s one thing to buy new technology, which is a challenge in itself, but getting people to use it has proven to be a real challenge. One facet of technology that perpetuates the skills gap is the incredibly fast development of new solutions in the cloud – workers simply can’t keep up. As soon as they are familiar with one new solution, it morphs into a new service with extra features that didn’t exist before.

While workplaces need to keep up with new cloud technologies, it’s also an imperative demanded by the workforce.

Employees are ready to learn cloud computing

Forward-thinking workers know that they need cloud computing skills, and they want companies to offer training in these skills. Top talent will increasingly put cloud and security training prospects at the top of their list of requirements. The younger generation is demanding on-the-job learning. So, even companies that thought they could do business as before will find their workforce doesn’t agree.

Organizations can exploit this cloud awareness and willingness to learn by offering meaningful training on a continuous basis so their workforce can acquire the needed cutting-edge cloud computing skills for the workplace of tomorrow.

IT and Skills Development leaders get the information you need at the upcoming C3 Global Cloud Skills Tour

Offered by Microsoft, The Leading Learning Partners Association (LLPA), the 3rd Annual C3 Global Cloud Skills Tour is a cloud skills event exclusively for IT leaders and L&D leaders.

To put all attendees clearly in the picture of what comes next, the organizers have secured the services of none other than Peter Hinssen.

Organizational leaders will get first-hand information from one of the most sought-after thought leaders on radical innovation as well as leading cloud and security practitioners.

Peter Hinssen

Serial entrepreneur, business school lecturer, writer, and founder of nexxworks, Peter Hinssen, is like an immoveable steel-and-concrete anchor and lighthouse in a hurricane. His keynote speech will be on how, like a Phoenix, corporations can rise from the ashes to reinvent themselves for the Never Normal world.

Hinssen maintains that while unicorns are to be much admired, large, established companies could rather aim to become another mythical creature, the Phoenix. These will be the companies that can reinvent themselves time and time again. Think about Walmart, for instance – how this traditional retail company started out and what it has become – a totally transformed enterprise. Disney is another excellent example of a company that has evolved with technological and consumer behavior changes.

His keynote will illuminate what is happening in a world of constant change, what can be learned from the Unicorns, and how to best leverage innovation. Companies know that they have to innovate to stay relevant, but they need guidance on how to achieve this critical goal. This keyword will be invaluable in showing the way forwards for established organizations that want to reinvent themselves like a Phoenix in what Hinssen calls The Never Normal.

He has already said that constant technological change is not the only disrupter anymore. Companies need to prepare for other disruptions, like the pandemic and other ecological, biological, societal, and geopolitical disruptions; they need to be ready for a constantly changing world.

The ability to adapt will require different skillsets, different roles and different types of organizations – people and organizations that can adapt to constant change. In this keynote, Peter Hinssen uncovers how companies, leaders and employees will need to adapt to survive and thrive in the Never Normal.

C3 Global Cloud Skills Tour broadcast live from Sofia Bulgaria

Set for 20 April 2022, attendees can attend the event virtually from anywhere in the world, from the comfort of their home, office or LLPA Member training location.

The event will be co-hosted by Cristina Ratiu, CEO of Bittnet and Aakash Munjal, General Manager of ThinkSmart.

The keynote will be followed by a roundtable discussion entitled Microsoft Cloud Vision 2030, which will be followed by a panel discussion on the same topic. After a short break, The Future of Corporate Learning will be discussed by several LLPA members, including the Computrain Program Director and LLPA Chairman of the Board, Patrick Kersten.

The event will culminate in the announcement of The Galileo “Global Education Revolution” Award, sponsored by PearsonVUE, which recognizes organizations that drive a global education revolution by offering learning opportunities and fostering a learning culture.

Over 1 million refugees have been forced to flee Ukraine.

Over 1 million refugees have been forced to flee Ukraine. In our efforts to face an uncertain future with courage and mutual support all proceeds from these ticket-sales that include a copy of The Phoenix and the Unicorn book will be given to local Romanian NGO to buy supplies (masks, food, mattresses, pillows, blankets, heating systems, clothes, infant products like diapers etc.).