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October 17, 2024

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Join Us for CyberSecurity Day: Strengthen Your Digital Defenses

Prepare to elevate your cybersecurity knowledge at CyberSecurity Day on 17th October, where industry experts will dive deep into the latest threats and defenses. This event is your chance to learn practical, cutting-edge strategies to protect your organization from evolving cyber threats. The event is most beneficial for CIOs, IT directors and managers, IT security managers and anyone interested in CyberSecurity.

Get insights on:

  • Infiltration Tactics: Learn how attackers exploit home routers with simple commands, compromising entire networks.
  • Active Directory Security: Understand insidious persistence methods and how to counter attackers hiding within your systems.
  • Encryption Vulnerabilities: See a real-time demo of how BitLocker, even with TPM, can be compromised without a PIN.
  • NIS2 Compliance: Prepare for the new EU cybersecurity directive with an essential guide.
  • PowerShell Defenses: Discover how to defend against PowerShell attacks using AMSI.
  • AI Security Risks: Navigate the emerging threat landscape posed by AI technologies.
  • CMMC Compliance: Understand the importance of CMMC certification for staying competitive in today’s market.

Stay ahead of cyber threats and fortify your security posture with actionable knowledge from top cybersecurity professionals.

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Time schedule

09:00 – 10:00
Where SHELL You Go, and With Whom… by William Ischanoe

10:15 – 11:15
Insidious Persistence in Active Directory by Lubomír Ošmera

11:30 – 12:30
BitLocker Plus TPM Minus PIN by Ondřej Ševeček

13:30 – 14:30
Preparing for NIS2: Your Essential Guide to Compliance and Cybersecurity by Bjorn Meviss

14:45 – 15:30
Defending Against PowerShell Attacks: The Role of AMSI by Sergey Chubarov

15:45 – 16:30
Security Risks of AI: Navigating the Threat Landscape by Desmond Devendran

16:45 – 17:30
CMMC: A Ticket for Commercial Gain or Fall Behind Without the Skills! by Richard Beck

CyberSecurity sessions

Where SHELL you go, and with whom…

We’ll show how attackers easily infiltrated our entire household through home routers with just a few simple characters. We don’t download anything on our PC, we don’t click on anything—just load a webpage, and our new and supposedly secure router surrenders its SHELL to the net. We’ll practically explain the connection between Command execution, named pipes, Shell, pivoting, and how attackers used this cocktail to navigate through our homes.

Insidious Persistence in Active Directory

The attacker has successfully gained initial access to the environment and is even lucky enough to obtain a privileged identity. But time is against him! He has only seconds left before detection components discover him, thwart his efforts, and permanently close the doors to the company. He must find a reliable way to hide and persist in the environment until he’s ready to take his next step or complete his plan. The dice are cast! The hide-and-seek game between attacker and defender begins. Let’s explore some insidious persistence methods an attacker might use against your Active Directory because those who are prepared won’t be caught off guard.

BitLocker plus TPM minus PIN

How much (non)sense does it make to operate BitLocker encryption on system partitions with keys stored in TPM, without requiring a PIN at startup? We’ll demonstrate a real offline attack on a computer that still has both TPM and an encrypted disk.

Preparing for NIS2: Your Essential Guide to Compliance and Cybersecurity
By Bjorn Mevissen

Starting in October this year, the European NIS2 directive will come into effect, requiring organizations in essential and important sectors to significantly strengthen their cybersecurity. In this 1-hour webinar, we will provide an overview of the NIS2 regulation, discuss its key priorities, and emphasize the urgency of taking swift action. We will outline the steps organizations need to take to achieve compliance and explore how this will impact their infrastructure and operations. This session offers a valuable first step in understanding and implementing NIS2, including practical tools and recommendations to get started right away.

Defending Against PowerShell Attacks: The Role of AMSI
By Sergey Chubarov

PowerShell is a de facto scripting standard for administrative tasks on Windows. This also makes it popular among attackers to execute malicious code. To limit Illegitimate usage Microsoft introduced number of security features like Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) and Constrained Language Mode.

The session will lift the veil on those technologies, as well as demonstrate methods can be used to bypass protection. The session contains:

– Understanding AMSI
– Reverse engineering AMSI
– AMSI bypass methods
– Understanding CLM
– CLM bypass methods

CMMC a Ticket for Commercial Gain or Fall Behind Without the Skills!
Richard Beck

Compliance with CMMC (Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification) is finally over the line, and fraught with bureaucratic assessment chaos. DoD primes and more importantly organisations in the supply chain face urgent choices, or risk loosing commercial opportunities. With solicitations potentially giving just one month between bid and contract award, contractors who aren’t prepared will be left scrambling through 2025. Compounding the issue, many organizations lack the internal skills to navigate these challenges, making them more vulnerable. This talk will outline the steps you must take now to close the skills gap, ensure compliance, and turn CMMC into a business advantage.

Security Risks of AI: Navigating the Threat Landscape
By Desmond Devendran

Artificial Intelligence is transforming industries and redefining the way we work and live. However, with its rapid adoption comes a new set of security risks that organizations must address. This session will explore the potential vulnerabilities of AI systems, including data privacy, model manipulation, and adversarial attacks. Participants will gain insights into the evolving threat landscape, real-world case studies, and best practices for securing AI-driven applications.


William Ischanoe

Expert Consultant and Instructor. He enjoys delving into anything that someone forgot to encrypt, Windows components from a security perspective, authentication, PKI, IPSec, and WiFi.


Lubomír Ošmera

Instructor, consultant, and architect in Microsoft technologies. His primary focus is on the security of the Microsoft ecosystem (both cloud and on-premises). He implements security technologies for both small companies and international corporations.


Ondřej Ševeček

Expert Consultant and Instructor. Specializes in Microsoft technologies with a focus on security, authentication and identity management, cryptography, PKI, and forensic investigations in enterprise environments. He programs in C++, C#, JavaScript, and PowerShell.


Bjorn Mevissen

Bjørn Mevissen is a seasoned security expert, consultant, and trainer with extensive knowledge in the field of cybersecurity and cloud. He has various accreditations in infrastructure and cloud security, enabling him to effectively guide organizations in strengthening their digital resilience. His expertise in both technical and strategic security measures makes him a highly valued trainer and advisor in the IT security sector.


Sergey Chubarov

Security and Cloud Expert, Instructor with 15+ years’ experience on Microsoft technologies.
His day-to-day job is to help companies securely embrace cloud technologies.
Frequent speaker at local and international conferences like DEF CON, Black Hat Europe, Midwest Management Summit etc.
Prefers live demos and cyberattacks simulations.

Certifications: MVP, OSCP, OSEP, eCPTX, CPENT and more.

Desmond Devendran

Mr Desmond Devendran is the Director of Cybersecurity and Compliance at Logical Operations, specializing in the intersection of AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity. With extensive experience in the development and application of AI technologies in various industries, Mr. Desmond has led numerous initiatives to enhance security protocols and mitigate risks associated with AI-driven systems. His expertise includes designing and delivering certification programs in R and Python for R&D practitioners, as well as conducting training sessions focused on secure and ethical AI deployment various critical sectors such as banking and telco.

Certifications: CFR, PMP, CISA,CRISC,CISM and CISSP

Richard Beck

Richard Beck is an experienced cyber security professional, a former CISO, turned educator, with over 15 years in operational security roles, across defence, financial services, and critical infrastructure. Member of, and advisor to, industry and government cyber security bodies.

Certifications: CISSP, CISM, CISA

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