The Challenge
This is a Microsoft Fundamentals Certification Challenge. The objective of this readiness challenge is to have 500 LLPA members and their employees certified in the month of March. All LLPA Members’ existing employees, and trainers may participate. This challenge is not open to customers. Customers and students may not represent the member in this readiness challenge.
Submissions Are Closed
The first 20 employees to get certified from your organization will receive a March Madness Certification Challenge gift packaged delivered to your door. Each time you get certified you earn one point for your organization. You may submit one form per exam completed. The organization to achieve the most certifications will receive a March Madness Certification Trophy. This exclusive trophy represents leadership and innovation, it shows that your organization encourages a strong learning culture, is forward-thinking and ready for the future.
Leaderboard - TOP10
You have until 30 April 23:59:59 PM-midnight CET (UTC +2) to submit your results. Remember to share your certification enthusiasm on social media platforms and be sure to include @TheLLPA and use the following tags so we can find and reshare your posts: #TheLLPA #MarchMadnessCertificationChallenge #MicrosoftCertChallenge #FundamentalCloudCertChallenge
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Certifications achieved per country
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