AI Academy

At the AI Academy, we believe in empowering individuals and organizations
with the knowledge and skills to harness the potential of AI technology.

Tailored for Every Role and Level

Whether you’re an executive seeking to understand the strategic impact of AI, a developer eager to build AI solutions, or somewhere in between, our programs are meticulously crafted to meet you where you are. We offer:

  • Executive Insights: Learn the strategic importance of AI in today’s business landscape, enabling informed decision-making and visionary leadership.
  • Technical Mastery: For developers and IT professionals, dive deep into the technical aspects, from understanding algorithms to deploying AI solutions.
  • Cross-Functional Knowledge: For those in roles intersecting with AI applications, such as marketing or human resources, gain the insights needed to leverage AI effectively within your domain.

Learning journey

The AI Academy Pilot is brought to you through the Enterprise Skilling Initiative (ESI) Program. It is a transformative learning experience designed to elevate the skills of your organization’s workforce with cutting-edge Microsoft technologies. It’s tailored to meet the unique needs of each customer, providing a personalized learning journey that aligns with your business goals and objectives.

For those who are new to the ESI Program, here’s a brief overview of its unique value:

  • Exclusive Access: As a participant in the highest Tier of the ESI Program, you gain exclusive access to advanced training modules, expert-led workshops, and specialized learning resources that are not available to the general public.
  • Customized Learning Paths: The program offers customized learning paths that are specifically designed to enhance the skills relevant to your role and industry, ensuring that the training you receive is both applicable and impactful.
  • Dedicated Support: You will have dedicated support from Microsoft experts who will guide you through your learning journey, providing insights and assistance to help you maximize the benefits of the program.
  • Community and Networking: Being part of the ESI Program also means joining a community of like-minded professionals. You’ll have opportunities to network, share experiences, and learn from peers who are also on the path to mastering Microsoft technologies.

The ESI Program is more than just training; it’s an investment in your future and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. We’re here to support you every step of the way, and we’re excited to see the growth and success that awaits you as part of this exclusive skilling experience.

1. Training Needs

Start with identifying specific AI skills gaps and evaluating current proficiency levels.

2. Customized
Training Program

The academy is uniquely designed for each audience group, from Understanding AI to Building AI solutions. Based on the assessment, engage with a curriculum tailored to your role, proficiency level, and goals. This customized approach ensures relevance and maximizes learning outcomes.

3. Engaging

Our blend of on-demand webinars, instructor-led training, and hands-on workshops offers a dynamic and interactive learning experience. Benefit from practical demonstrations and real-world case studies that bring AI concepts to life.

4. Certification
and recognition

Conclude your training with an assessment to gauge your progress and earn certifications and badges that acknowledge your achievements and newly acquired skills.

Join the AI Academy

We are thrilled to have you join us for the AI Academy Pilot. As we embark on this journey together, we want to ensure that every learner has the best experience possible. Currently, our course calendar on this registration page showcases only English language courses. This approach helps us optimize class capacity across the region, making sure we can accommodate as many eager learners as possible.
We understand the importance of learning in one’s preferred language, and we want to acknowledge the diverse linguistic needs of our learners. If you wish to receive training in another language, such as Spanish or Portuguese, we encourage you to communicate this request to your Skilling Point of Contact (PoC) or leadership team. They will liaise with the Microsoft Enterprise Skilling Initiative (ESI) Training Program Manager to organize these trainings on demand, ensuring that your learning needs are met in a language you are most comfortable with.
Please note that these language-specific trainings will be planned separately, and there is no need to register for them via the AI Pilot program.
We are committed to your learning journey and are here to support you every step of the way. Your passion for learning and growth is what drives us, and we can’t wait to see the incredible things you will achieve with the skills you develop through our programs.

Classes are limited to 20 seats and are managed on a first come first serve basis. Should classes be filled in this AI Academy Pilot, please note that you can engage further on via the classical ESI Program by discussing this with your Microsoft Training Program Manager or Microsoft Account Executive.

Intended for: Business decision makers, Adoption managers, IT professionals and Developers
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Intended for: IT Professionals, Developers
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Intended for: Executives, Adoption Managers and Business users
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Intended for: Executive, Business decision makers, Adoption managers, End user
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Intended for: IT Professionals, Developers
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Intended for: Adoption managers, Business End user, IT professional
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Intended for: Business user, Adoption managers
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Intended for: Business user, Adoption managers
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Intended for: Business user, Adoption managers
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Intended for: Business user, Adoption managers
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Intended for: Business user, Adoption managers > M365 Copilot License is required for this course
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Intended for: Business user, Adoption managers > M365 Copilot License is required for this course
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